Wednesday, June 8, 2011

mom ain't the enemy, the bajajs are!

i will say it out loud, FINALLY --OOH REALLY FINALLY!!! I DRIVE!!! a real car!
driving => has been my new year resolution since 2007, haha! sejak for good ke indo! and skrg taon berapa lyn? betul, 2011! but, i don't care! a resolution accomplished! yihiiiiii ~!

am i truly happy? oh, u bet, i am!
BUT, there is one thing always happens when i drive and my mom is there.
"lu ga liat kan tuh ada gerobak?" *trust me, really, saya liat.. T_T*

my younger sis who's always been there, sejak aku mati mesin 10 menit sekali sampai aku meluncur di jalan tol pas ujan lebat, bilang "ma, tenang aja napa? cici udah bisa! kalo mami grogi, kan malah ganggu!"
thanks, my cheerleader :D

awal2 sih bete bener kalo jalan sama mami. ga jarang, turun mobil aku yg masi cemberut!
what i had in mind adalah .. "u don't trust me, mom!"

sampai akirnya, last nite, when i had a wonderful "Preparing to be a Help Meet" class with my girls -- entah gmana, pembicaraan beralih ke NYOKAP!

"i don't know why, but it seems that my mom ga pernah puas dgn apa yg gue capai."
"i've been living pleasing my mom sampai skrg, kapan donk gue bisa hidup 'tuk diri gue sendiri."
i was all ears sepanjang curhat...
sampai, akirnya.... it's time for me to speak :$

eyn, "ga usah masalah BIG dalam hidup kita - nyetir aja, most of the time, i have an argument with my mom!" *btw, my older sis has too :D tho, she's been driving forever! haha*
the thing is -- ibaratnya sebuah perjalanan. walau jurang masih berjarak 30 m di depan kita. dari 100 m, mama kita akan berteriak "STOP!" sampai we finally stop!
it happens to me all the time, rite? bajaj masi jauh - tapi mama sudah "BAJAJ!"
bukan karena mama pikir aku buta - tapi mama will do whatever to make sure that her beloved daughter liat itu bajaj *baca = selamat!*

ada one thing yang aku suka banget di buku Preparing --
Debi Pearl bilang gini:
Keep in mind that your mother is not the enemy. She is Mom. She is the one who cared for you when you were sick; she is the one who believed in you when you were down. She is the one who would have given her very life for you if you were in need, but, because she is Mom, she will be the first to speak out when she thinks you might be hurting.

oh, how true!
my mom is not the enemy, the bajajs are!
karena mama lah - aku bisa balik badan - duduk - merangkak - berjalan - berlari dan menyetir.
karena mama juga lah - aku bisa nulis - baca - sekolah - kuliah dan akirnya bekerja.
it's not that moms don't trust us, really! but, mom is the one who has been there dari awal we're nothing 'til we're a little bit of something!

and, for me, the main reason why mom sometimes acts that way - because she's all worried about us. she would give her life for us.. (huhu. duh pas ngelahirin aja dia udah mempertaruhkan nyawa >.<)

mom is woman sejati. *oke, mari semua wanita berkaca.*
future minded.
we are just like her... hanya saja, kita belum punya anak perempuan >.<

bedanya adalah, by HIS GRACE!
we know that our future are in His hands.
ketika we are worried about so many things... Philippians 4:6-7 pop up! kita telah berlatih tuk turn our worries into prayers. *itupun, we fail so many time, rite?*

not all of us, diberkati dgn a Godly mom, i would say.
i grew up with friends whose struggles're "gue ga dikasi ke gereja ama nyokap." "gimana cara yakinin nyokap gue supaya gue bole ikut ret2." "friends, please pray for my parents' salvation."
they don't know about all stuffs!
all she knows adalah -- she's been working hard 'til now for you! and she wants what she thinks (not God thinks) the best for you!

begitu jgn dgn my mom. *she goes to church every week with me, but not yet -- not yet, i still pray for her*
yesterday, again saat menyetir - i talked to her *lovingly* not to worry tooooooo much ttg anak2nya *yeaaah, i know ga pantes ngomong gt ke ortu*
tapi i shared the truth to her, aku bilang "ma, hidup kita di tangan Tuhan. hanya Tuhan yg pegang kendali. pada saat mama mulai kuatir, coba deh mama berdoa. karena Tuhan yg berkuasa menjaga."

so, dear beloved daughters of our moms and our heavenly Father.
stop the argument with our moms! replace it with loving discussion and sharing about the Truth.
*how could we listen to our friends with love. willing to be in their shoes. understand them. appreciate their point of views? BUT, not with our moms!??!*
be humble to listen to her, coz most of time - she's right :D

ketika mama mulai "aduh, kenapa lu umur segini belum punya pacar? kebanyakan milih sih!!" or "aduuuh, lu kerja cuma jadi begituan doang mah ga bakal sukses deh!"
dgn kasih, tell her, God is in control! *jangan stop di situ..haha.. ceritakan how He worked :) *

and hey, btw - jgn harap mama bakal dengar kita ttg Kristus kalo kelakuan kita tidak mencerminkan Allah yg kita sembah yo! ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER!
i love this verse:
.... if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their daughters, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 1 peter 3:1-2

sering denger ini? "anak kecil tau apa sih?"
*btw, i am thankful that my mom never say those hurting words, though she's not a truly Christian YET.*
though my mom had to admit - "kenapa sih mama kuatir melulu sama kamu ya, padahal kamu udah 26! mama selalu ngerasa kamu tuh masi keciilll aja" i was like, "EXACTLY, MOM!"
another powerful verse....
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers (and your mom!) in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
ayat ini bukan supaya kita bisa jadi petantang-petenteng. "jangan anggap gue rendah!" NO!!
tapi to remind us, to always set an example! after all, we are adalah saksiNya di dunia ini... !
ini berlaku tuk siapapun - what people see in us? do they see our SUPER COOL JESUS?

so, yesterday from the Prophet discussion 'til MOM --
i remembered one thing i always say to myself .. that = my current family *on this topic, my mom* is really where i learn what it is to submit, to serve, to love unselfishly, to listen, to be patient, to have a wise discussion 'til one day i do them all to my husband :)
the preparation has started, ladies, don't miss it!!!!!


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