Friday, April 8, 2011

cinta oh cinta

February 14th, 2011

1. Justru tidur saya akan tenang, setelah mendengar dia mendengkur keras. Itu berarti, dia sudah tidur dengan nyenyak.

2. One thing I miss the most about him when he's not around is the smell of his sweat.

3. Kalo ga pake make up, she looks like a kid. Cute!

Make up natural, paling oke.

Make up full, tuntutan pekerjaan, jadi gue dukung.

Ah doesn't matter lah with or without make up, gue suka.

4. Udah minum tolak angin, udah oles minyak kayu putih, sekarang yang aku butuhkan cuma satu untuk bisa sembuh total = sentuhan mama.

5. No need to go out for dinner lah, I want nothing but telor buatan mama.

Ga ada satupun dari kalimat di atas yg fiktif..

Sebelum terlelap kmrn malam, *mengingat hari ini Valentine’s Day*, aku jadi terpikir bagaimana LOVE can actually mengubah "panca indera" kita.. It's not that panca indra kita jadi mati rasa! But, love really does something, at least, for me. :$

*supaya lebih gampang bacanya .. aku bikin "me to you" saja.. ga "me to him/her" yah hehe*

Love makes me..

1. Think about your comfort rather than mine. I want you to be happy, I want you to be healthy and I want you to grow to the very best!

2. Feel comfortable to be close to you. Being with you is actually the place where I want to be.

3. Think that you are beautiful all the time.

4. Need you so bad. It doesn't mean that I can't live without you, but I want you to be a part of my life and want to share my life with you. You are like a "finishing touch" that completes my day.

5. Choose normal -dinners, dates, holiday and even life- with you in it over fancy ones without you.

Cinta oh cinta....

Happy Valentine's Day <3

Message of the day = LOVE! and tell the person you love "I Love You" <3

@ Arief : I love you :)

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