Kalo bagi sebagian orang, "peraturan untuk dilanggar", bagiku "peraturan untuk ditaati". Yeah, I am a freak!
Walaupun aku terlihat paling ribut diantara my two other sisters *haha, bukan terlihat sih, kenyataannya begitu*, tapi silahkan nanya ke cici ato ke rieza, aku itu yg paling "tidak nakal", dan paling "taat", gak ada jiwa2 iseng dalam diriku, I always play safe *gak cocok bgt emang sama penampilanku* tapi itulah eyn!
Aku sungguh bersyukur punya mereka, karena mereka juga sering kali mengingatkanku untuk sedikit loosening up ketika sepertinya aku sudah mengikuti segala peraturan, namun things tidak berjalan dengan "rencanaku".
Dan kemarin adalah salah satunya…
Cici: tenang aja lyn, lu pasti bisa melewati semua ini.
Eyn: tapi kenapa ci??? Kenapaaaaaaaa? Gue gak pernah maen2! Selalu ikut aturan, gak pernah bermain api pula..
Cici: iya, ngerti..tapi sering kali yg menurut kita baik, belum tentu itu yg terbaik menurut Tuhan.
Eyn: hix…
Cici: keep smiling donk..
Eyn: yeee, lagi mau nangis sih disuruh senyum…
Conversation-ku dgn cici ku kmrn membuat ku berpikir tuk pengen ngomong ke Tuhan…. pengen "marah" and bertanya "kenaaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaa Tuhan??????"
Tapi sebelum ngomel2 gak jelas, aku menenangkan diri.. dan aku tulis ini di diary-ku..
Apa maksud semua ini? Eyn gak ngerti….eyn sedih………
Tuhan, hati eyn hancurrrrr!!!!!!
Eyn bodoh , I was humiliated, but Lord, I put my trust in You, I put my full confidence in You.. that You, God, You are the one who holds my future, You know the best for me, I fear not about my future.
Yes Lord, I gave my heart to You!!!!!! Aaaaah Lord, I trust You with all my heart….
Aku buka Alkitab-ku, then aku tertarik kepada ayat yg aku sendiri highlight entah kapan..
Psalm 3:3 but You, O Lord, are a shield around me; You are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
When circumstances go against us, we may be tempted to think that God also is against us. When everything seems to go wrong, God is still for u. If a circumstance has turned against you, don’t blame God, seek Him!
Dan, aku sungguh tersenyum lebar setelah baca itu...
Yes, I was tempted to blame Him, though I knew deep inside my heart that He knows the best and everything is under His control. >.<
Sungguh ketika kita choose to seek Him, as He promised, we got the answer.
Dia sungguh Allah super keren, super tender, and very caring.
Dia bener2 menjawab ke-galau-an dan kesedihan hatiku saat itu juga.
Everything "seems" to go wrong saat ini, yes, karena aku berpusat kepada "the thing", bukan kepada Dia yg takes control over everything.
I may always obey the rules *walau sometimes itu adalah rules yg aku ciptakan sendiri*, tapi kehidupanku bersama Dia jauh lebih indah dan kreatif dari sekedar hidup yg taat peraturan.
Tuhan bukan Allah yg boring tentunya, Dia Allah yg super kreatif dan punya rancangan jauh lebih spektakuler dari rancangan "stick to the rules" gaya eyn!
Hidup kita bukan seperti masakan, yang kalo ikutin resep, jadilah!*masakan aja bisa beda hasilnya, tergantung siapa yg megang kan?*
Intinya, there is no formula, kalo kita udah ikut aturan..hasilnya seperti ini! I am not saying that, "dengan begitu, lupakanlah rules itu, hiduplah semau2mu!!" NO!
Tetap carilah kehendak Tuhan dalam hidup kita, taatlah kepada rules * yg adalah firman Tuhan*, janganlah bermain api, jangan mencobai diri sendiri dengan berada pada jarak yg sangat dekat dengan dosa, tapi hasilnya : bukan urusan kita, itu urusan Tuhan! Kita hanya menjalani bagian kita, TRUST AND OBEY, let Him complete the work! :D
And the pain falls like a curtain on the things I once called certain
And I have to say the words I fear the most "I just don’t know"
And the questions without answers come and paralyze the dancer
So I stand here on the stage afraid to move, afraid to fall
oh, but fall I must on this truth that my life has been formed from the dust
God is God, and I am not. I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting
God is God and I am man. So I’ll never understand it all, for only God is God.
Don’t put your trust in mere humans *ourselves*. They are as frail as breath. What good are they?
Isaiah 2:22
And I have to say the words I fear the most "I just don’t know"
And the questions without answers come and paralyze the dancer
So I stand here on the stage afraid to move, afraid to fall
oh, but fall I must on this truth that my life has been formed from the dust
God is God, and I am not. I can only see a part of the picture He’s painting
God is God and I am man. So I’ll never understand it all, for only God is God.
Don’t put your trust in mere humans *ourselves*. They are as frail as breath. What good are they?
Isaiah 2:22
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