Tuesday, January 12, 2010

how do we do "it"?

(from my fb notes, Jan 12th 2010)

I spent my new year’s eve alone in a hotel room. My roommate had slept. I surely wanted to do something to welcome this year that is pretty important to me. I am becoming 25, as most of us are too. I expect myself to do lot better, to be much better than I have already been. I grabbed a pen, and a piece of paper. I started to write things. I was surprised for not remember much of 2009. Wow, that’s so not me.

I continued writing 2010 resolutions. It wasn’t easy. It was all dark. I really couldn’t see anything. There are 3 major things that I have been struggling a lot ‘til now. And this 2010, I know I will keep struggling too. I really prayed, “Lord, please answer my pray. I am tired. I want this year to be different. I want to get the answers.“ My tears fell. I was scared and worried. I felt helpless. At that solitude time with Him, He reminded me how he had been faithful to me. How he had never left me alone. How he had always been there for me. I smiled and could feel His love. I believe he will lead me one step at a time, especially to deal with those 3 major things.

One of them is my ministry.

And yeah, He is faithful in answering prayers. He spoke to me through Pastor Victor Liu at church, book I read (a woman after God’s own heart by Elizabeth George), and devotionals from Godly women during my quite time these days.

He reminded me at the first place, why I serve Him? He is the reason I serve, and I serve for Him.

He also reminded me the basic principles that lead to fruitful ministries:

1. Motivation : our love to Jesus.
When we have a heart for God we have a heart for ministry. The two go hand in hand. When Jesus captured a life, healed a sick body or soul or mind, the recipient of those blessings invariably began to minister. Only on two occasions did Jesus have to tell them to do so. When Jairus daughter was brought back from the dead, Jesus told her parents to "give her something to eat" (Mark 5:43) , and when the Lord appeared first to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection, he told her to go tell the disciples that she had seen the Lord (John 2:17-18)
When we meet the Master, ministry naturally follows. Jesus forgave a sinful woman "her many sins", and she began to love him much (Luke 7:47). Having been forgiven much, we begin to love much, and ministry is the natural outcome.
Martha and Mary, greatly loved by Jesus, loved him back by serving Him, each in her own way. The mother of the disciple James, along with others, served the Lord by preparing His body to burial (Luke 24:10), while Joanna supported Jesus out of her own means (Luke 8:3). Even the woman at the well, having met Jesus, began at once to share her discovery with the people in her town. (John 4:28-29)
We do not need to twist arm once we have had a personal encounter with the Christ of Galilee. Ministry is not then a maybe - it's a must.

2. Excellence.
Do our best with what God has given us.
Remember the parable of talents? Which one are we?
Have we fully used or are we fully using, even developing, the gifts and talents He has entrusted to us? Are we hiding what He gave us in fear of messing up?
It is easy to think we are not good enough or that we are undeserving of God's gifts. Our negative thoughts take us captive, leading us to believe we would reflect poorly upon our Lord if we dared to multiply and grow what He has given us.
Or maybe, we still look and try to find what our spiritual gifts we’ve been given.
Theologian Charles Caldwell Ryrie mentioned in his book Balancing the Christian Life, three of spiritual gifts probably all Christians could have and use if they WOULD. They are ministering, giving, and showing mercy (Romans 12:7-8).
- Serving is sometimes called helps or ministering: “It is the basic ability to help other people, and there is no reason why every Christian cannot have and use this gift.”
- Mercy is next: “Showing mercy is akin to the gift of ministering and involves succoring those who are sick or afflicted. “
- Giving is another ministry you and I could and should be involved in : “Giving is the ability to distribute one’s own money to others, and it is to be down with simplicity which means with no thought of return or gain for oneself in anyway. “

3. JOY
The joy of the Lord is our strength.
The more we rejoice in the Lord, the more we serve effectively.
Though sometimes we do our weekly routine in serving Him, do it as it’s our last chance without complaining. Don’t take it for granted.

4. Sacrifice
There is a price to be paid.

I was recharged and refreshed!

I believe there will be more God wants me to learn this year and hopefully to share with all of you. Yupz, He leads you and me one step at a time. He led me a step already. I am looking forward for His answers, yet I believe in His perfect time. I wait.

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