Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a quite heart is content with what God gives

(From "Calm My Anxious Heart", by Linda Dillow)

Prescription for contentment:

* Never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather.

* Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.

* Never compare your lot with another's.

* Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.

* Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that [tomorrow] is God's not ours.

Contentment is rare, but it is possible.

Contentment can be learned.

I am strong for all things in the One who constantly infuses strength in me.-Apostle Paul-

At all time, in all circumstances, Christ is able and willing to provide the strength we need to be content. Contentment occurs when Christ's strength is infused into my weak body, soul and spirit.

To infuse means to pour, fill, soak or extract.

He infuses contentment into us through His Word. As it seeps into our minds, it transforms us.

Just as a cup of tea gets stronger when we give it time to steep, so we become more content when we spend time in God's Word and allow it to seep into our lives, transforming us to be like Him.

Contentment is essentially a matter of accepting from God's hand what He sends because we know that He is good and therefore it is good. J.I Packer

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