Yesterday, one girl shared how proud she is of her brother.
"Ci, aku bangga banget loh sama koko'ku sekarang - dia udah banyak berubah - ga seperti dulu. Cici tau banget kan dulu sifatnya gmana......"
And dia jelasin lebih detail ttg betapa hebat koko-nya.
One question I asked her, "Have you told him about this?"
"......hmmm...aku ada pernah cerita ke mama sih!"
Me = "ke koko-mu?"
"..... hmmm belum ci..."
Beberapa minggu belakangan ini, ayat ini berulang kali berbicara padaku ....
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19 easy it is to speak when things go wrong - when we don't like stuffs - when we are mad ....
Tapi, somehow ---- it is that hard to speak when you appreciate someone, to say "I think you are great....", "what you did means a lot to me"..."I care about you"
One woman I admire bercerita that she always reminds her kids, "Nak, semarah apapun kamu -- jaga selalu omonganmu -- jangan pernah bicara pada saat kamu sedang marah -- karena akan ada bekasnya."
That's what I kept telling myself ketika aku lagi kesel - or rasanya mau marah, "When I am hurt - never say hurtful words - coz it will hurt me even more to hurt someone I truly care."
And, it is really true, I don't know about you, but for me -- aku selalu berjuang not to say the "I will regret later" words..
Ironically...why why.... it's just sooo hard to speak good words?! ......
Entah itu gengsi, entah itu budaya (oh, please, stop blaming budaya timur), entah malu......
But, do we know how good words will actually bring impact into someone's life?
--- sama seperti perkataan buruk bisa membawa bekas, I believe perkataan baik pun juga ---
I've been really tired these days. I didn't plan to do anything today -- apalagi tulis notes.. I was laying on my bed, trying to sleep but I just couldn't... 'til I got message from my sister:
"Ci, aku perhatiin cici akir2 ini lagi lemes -- cici lagi ada masalah yah? -- aku kuatir banget loh sama cici! *hugz*"
And she is the reason why I am writing now! Yups, aku tetep aja cape -- karena I do need to rest. But I realized one thing, how great it is to know, to be TOLD and REMINDED that there is someone cares about me. Aku selalu tau betapa dedeku sayang sama aku, tapi the sweet words at the right time, aaaahhh.....sungguh menyegarkan jiwaku
"Tapi gue ga biasa ngomong begitu2 lyn!!!!"
I know, butuh practice, sama seperti that girl I mentioned above..mungkin akan sangat susaaaaah tuk bilang ke koko-nya pada awalnya ...but practice makes perfect :)
Percaya ga? Dulu, aku ga pernah bisa bilang "thank you" "maaf" "I love you" ke mama... (serius lyn?) Iyah! Maluuuuu banget, en berasaaaaa aneh luar biasa! And I did a lot of practices! Pertama kali-nya aku ngomong tuh yg deg2an setengah mati ... itupun di telepon, dan langsung matiin telepon saat selesai ngomong. (Can you imagine the scene?)
Practice and practice it! It's a good exercise!
Bukan berarti, karena kita terbiasa, then jadi hambar or istilahnya basa basi loh!
Always mean what you say! If you don't, don't say it, people don't need that! But if you do, say it, people need that!
Rasul Paulus bilang..hendaklah kata2mu senantiasa penuh KASIH - JANGAN HAMBAR...
Dear friends, since I didn't plan to write anything today, and I do really need to rest -- I will stop here..! I think you got what I am trying to say :)
Practice to appreciate what people do to you - and TELL them that you appreciate it.
If you do love someone and care about her, tell her! (yeah yeah -- she knows already, I KNOW..) TELL HER!
"You can do it" - "I believe in you" will cost you nothing. But those words definitely could lift someone up. And you won't know how deep the impact could be!
"Thank you", please! Sincerely!
The list could go on...but I think you know already what to say...rite?
Now, do it!!!!
Speak the GOOD words :)
"Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29
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