Sunday, December 16, 2012

Relaxing, Officially


Gimana rasanya - menikah?

Simple question, but .... answer? not simple....

My default answer - is "SO FAR SO GOOD!"
and, from the deepest of my heart, I pray it will always be..
I tell you the best part =
to have my beloved man next to me when I wake up is PRECIOUS!!!!!

More complicated answer, will be...
"I am settling down.... you know, pelan2......
Simple things sih dah mulai settle, kamar baru - sudah mulai kelihatan bentuknya ..
dapur pun sudah mulai kelihatan isinya, bumbu2 dan peralatan sudah siap tuk dipakai setiap hari.
I have managed to exercise 3 times a week (finally!! setelah sekian lamaaa)
Hmm tuk bigger things, belum nih....pekerjaan, pelayanan -- masi belum tahu mau start dari mana, kapan dan bagaimana."

Months before the wedding... I knew I knew that I would go out from my comfort zone..
Namun, baru last night,
aku baru MENGERTI apa itu yang namanya keluar dari my comfort zone..
It's like starting EVERYTHING NEW.. well, maybe not entirely ..

Back there, of course, aku dah settled..
I worked almost 6 years in the same company.
Church, more than 20 years! --
People know who I am and what I do and what I am good at..

Here, I started from "introduction to erlyn"
Some people encouraged me -- that this season of life, is exciting. I could start fresh~ I totally agree...
the problem is ... i dont know how, when, what to start.....

This morning... bangun2 galau..
during breakfast, my loving husband sang this song..
Adakah berat beban hidupmu? 
Sampaikanlah kepada Tuhanmu; 
gundah dan gelisahkah hatimu? 
Sampaikan tanpa jemu

and sebelum pergi kantor, he said once again..
"ingat yah ...
SAMPAIKAN!!" *smooch

and I did.

Hari ini firman Tuhan tentang istri Lot...........
and this sentence menyentil aku.

"Why did she turn, despite the angel’s clear warning? 
Was her heart still attached to everything she left behind in the city? – a life of comfort, ease and pleasure?"

Oh girls, my life at this moment, bener2 life yg penuh EASE and PLEASURE!!!! like, seriously..... 
But, I somehow - don't feel comfortable karena tidak settle... I feel soooo guilty for "resting".. you know.. 
I wish I could enjoy holiday!!! huhuhu >.< 
okay, let me share a little background of myself.
Aku itu orang yg "ga bisa dieeem" :$ 
I am crazily soooo attached to work, or at least to do something. 
Dari jaman smp - sma, sibuk yang luar biasa, sampe2 dedeku bilang "aku tuh ga kenal cici. ga pernah ketemu cici" 
Masa kuliah, sambil sekolah aku kerja di 4 kerjaan yang berbeda..  kalo ada weekend, berusaha cari kerjaan laen juga tuk weekend... *well, kalo kuliah sih emang karena butuh uang! haha~ 
I had started to work, sebelum lulus kuliah~ 
this is not something i am proud of, really... 
tapi ini really my tendency.. to have a life yg full schedule-nya. sehingga, i feel so guilty to rest! >.< tidak sehat tidak sehat tidak sehat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Now I am here, masa-masa transisi... belum settle... banyak sekali waktu luang (ya ampun nikmatiiiii donk eyn!!!!!), walau sudah tiap hari memasak.. 
Kalo bisa cuci kamar mandi setiap hari, maybe I would.. haha >.< tapi i know, it's crazy dan tidak sehat.. 

Saya super bahagia beyond words, karena having my husband everyday... *ahhhhhhh :D :D
dan saya tidak mau suamiku punya istri gelisah hati!!  

God is truly the answer.

He asked me, 
Is your heart still attached to everything you left behind in the city?
A life of comfort, ease and pleasure. 
Maybe in my case, a settled life??!!!  

Thank You Father, for the answer... 
I don't want to look back ... 
It's okay - still settling, not settled yet. 
'coz there is a time for everything. 
I want to treasure this moment. Sama seperti Tuhan pimpin Lot and family-nya, ke better life ... (if only the wife had obeyed!) 
Eyn mau menikmati masa2 transisi ini, di mana eyn bisa punya banyak waktu tuk berpikir dan menenangkan diri...  
ga mau jadi tiang garam ya Tuhan~~!!! >.< 

I do I do I do believe... Tuhan yg sudah memerintahkan eyn tuk keluar.... Tuhan juga yg akan pimpin ke tempat berikut ... eyn mau taat... dan mau santaii dalam perjalanan transisi ini ... ~ 
You lead my way - one step at a time! 
Yihaaaa... excited!!! :D 
I look forward to see - pekerjaan mana yg Tuhan pimpin tuk eyn kerjakan... 
Anak2 mana yg Tuhan pimpin tuk eyn layani .. 
~ dan many other things, yg I know You will lead me to them at Your perfect time. 
For now, it's time for me to relax~~ (and it is okay to relax, eyn!!!) 
it's time for me to wait for His next calling -- and I am so excited... ~! and of course, to pray without ceasing. 

and thank You Father, for my husband, yang selalu bernyanyi dan menari (literally) tuk menghibur eyn :D and ingatkan eyn tuk SAMPAIKAN gundah gelisah eyn ke Tuhan :D 

for You are the answer! and You did answer me again this morning!
I don't look back, I look forward~ for this is my new life of comfort, ease and pleasure. :D

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Whenever Wherever

I am really blessed by having two sisters - older and younger. .. (and of course, so many many more other sisters) ...
Starting from last month, they started to count down ...
mulai dari H-31, mereka update status bb mereka - berapa hari, menjelang my wedding day!!

For me personally, waktu masi beberapa bulan, aku tuh ngitung2 - yg super excited.. haha..
tapi yg udah deket gini, malah sama sekali ga itung lagi -- karena super busy ... :$
so, kalo orang bilang, enjoy the preparation .. i think i enjoy the process too much :D :D hoooray!!!
Namun, karena cici dan adikku yg super semangatt.... aku sadar juga .. haha (thanks to them!!) ...

Mulai dari minggu lalu, hal pertama yg aku pikirkan ketika bangun adalah --- berapa hari lagi... ???? (lebih ke berapa hari ninggalin Jakarta)
"Tuhan -- 10 hari lagi, tolong kasi eyn sukacita, kekuatan dalam persiapan..."

Semakin mendekat .....
"Tuhan...tinggal 5 hari lagi........" (ninggalin Jakarta --- wedding masi 2 mingguan)
makin mellow, bukan karena ga hepi mau merit yaaaaa - jgn salah ... Merit maaahh hepi banget banget :D :D --
it's just... "it's happening!"
Aku bakal tinggalkan ranjang ini ... sprei, bed cover kuning gonjreng kesayanganku sejak aku smp..
kamar ini ...
and mama...... adikkuu....
Ketika - aku semakin menyadari hal itu ..... langsung berdebarlah jantungku....

Dan hal itu terus berlangsung setiap hari...
"Tuhan tinggal 4 hari lagi..." 

"3 hari lagi..." 
Berdebar..... dan terus berdoa sama Tuhan...

2 hari yg lalu,
ketika bangun pagi dan berdebar jantungku...
Tuhan tahu kalau aku sudah akan berteriak lagi pagi itu ...
Sebelum even I said a word... Dia membisikkan kalimat terindah ...
"Eyn eyn .... remember, dimanapun kamu berada, Aku selalu ada... dan kamu bisa selalu memanggilku.."

Aku terdiam .. ga jadi teriak apapun..
Things are changing (to even better better ....... )
But He is still the same and available whenever wherever...

Aku pindah -- ke tempat baru

Sekarang bukan lagi mama dan adikku yg nemani aku kemana2 aku pergi ...
Bukan lagi apa-apa cerita ke mama lagi ..
*haha ini anak mama banget siiih?
.... berubah..

God comforted me that morning - aku masi terus bisa berteriak pagi2 (dan kapanpun) kepadaNya ...
He comforted me - whenever wherever He is with me, with us ... with my family back there! Now and forever! :')

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Berjuta Rasanya

It's less than 3 weeks to my wedding :D

I know .. I was supposed to update things here .. a lot of things .. but life's been so busy (I know, I'm sorry for the excuses) --
I do hope, I can start writing again soon --
I do miss writing so much, as well as
I miss juicing and smoothing every morning (yup, I used to have smoothies and juice every morning, my own) -- and I miss working out.
Those 3 things I haven't done for long time .... for months .. huhu ...

Anyway, I didn't plan to write anything today ... I just wanted to update my status on facebook.
But -- kayanya bakal cukup panjang .. so I decided just to write here..

So - gmana rasanya tinggal bentaaar lagi?!
Kalo my dear (soon to be) husband bilang - berjuta rasanya..

Kalo saya ..... yup!! I would agree with him..
so excited!!!!!!! i'll be with him - (bye2 long distance... !!!!!) i'll be with him -- i'll be with him!
but ....... yup2, i got to leave.. my family, my Jakarta Baru!!!, my work (I resigned yesterday), my kids ... and my friends.

There is a season for everything.
I know there will be tears di airport .... and pastinya on my wedding .. haha.. :$
this season is about to change.

Ngomong2 soal seasons... aku jadi ingat jawaban dan alasanku, ketika ditanya .. "Erlyn, kenapa ga kerja di Jepang? Ga sayang yah, dah kuliah jauh2 di Jepang, udah bisa bahasa Jepang, tapi ga kerja sana?"
Aku selalu dengan malu2 dan ragu menjawab ... walaupun itu berasal dari hatiku yg paling dalam..
-- kalo aku mau spend masa single with my family, with my mom especially...
aku bilang.... "tar kalo dah merit, mau dibawa kemana sama suami, aku ga tau... masa single ini, masa dimana aku bisa serve my family sepenuhnya and to be with them"
padahal yah... waktu itu tuh aku masi pacaran dengan mantanku - yg rumah kami jaraknya hanya 20 menit ... (kalo ga macet!)
eeehhh, siapa yg tau .. kalo jadinya begini! dibawa pegi sama Arief.. :D

Aku jadi inget juga awal2 kenalan sama Arief, dia pernah asked me the same question ..
and I did answer him that ... aku dah yg super malu, gmana kalo dpikir pikir cheesy banget sih ni cewe! gitu ya...
Tapi I didn't care lah...karena itu alasan ku sebenernya. Pulang ke Jakarta untuk mama.

There is a season for everything..

and now .. in a week, i am leaving Jakarta - I am glad, I took that decision.

Orang bilang -- siapin wedding itu stress!
hmmm... ??? really?
for me though, aku selalu try to focus .. karena aku ga mau jadi bride to be yg stress gila.. ga mau..
sedih banget, abisin waktu single buat stress..
so, setiap kali - masalah muncul. konflik muncul ...
*ya iyalah, boong banget kalo ga ada yang "kepanasan" terjadi..
it's about millions rupiah things! about ratusan orang to be invited. about parents to please :) ... and it's about  my wedding dream and my other dream too, ga mau nyusahin calon suami ku dalam hal ini.
kami long distance. dia di sana. aku di sini.
dan kami harus prepare 2 weddings :D yihaa!

Ketika, air mata meleleh. Ketika ada perasaan ...."arrrggggghhhh!!!! coba aja aku bisa ini aku bisa itu"
aku mundur!!!
dan ingat...
dan fokus!
i want to be a happy bride (to be). yg punya peace, joy and love.
aku ga mau paksain diri dalam keadaan yg acakadut en siapin wedding ... no no no no ~~~
selalu mundur "Tuhan, eyn ga mau dikenal sebagai orang yg stress! eyn ga mau!!"

Ketika aku ga bisa dapat hal yg aku mau ... ketika aku harus "mengorbankan" sedikit keinginanku...
i always remind myself... that I have the most beautiful thing already ..... calon suamiku adalah yg terindah...
lebih dari seluruh bunga asli - di seisi gedung
lebih dari foto pre-wedding spektakuler
lebih dari apapun.
Calon suami adalah yang terindah .. yang lain cuma icing.
that's true!

So, siapin wedding stress ga Lyn?
Sibuk - iyah!!
Stress, tergantung kamu lah ;)

Less than 3 weeks before my Big day...
*sebenernya hanya hal ini yg pengen aku tulis hahaha.. jadi panjang gini deh ah ...
Aku semakin merasakan .. that I am glad to be with him .. i love him even more ..and feel so much loved by him..
I feel so much blessed by Our Father .. He truly provides what I need at perfect time... really2 amazing..
*oke2, i really need to share one day about this ... apa aja yg Tuhan provide...
I feel blessed banget with my family and friends.. yg ready to help ... with all the preps... and from all my friends, yang come all the way from Japan, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, KL... wooow!!! :')
Sungguh2 - mereka adalah perpanjangan tangan kasih Tuhan...

Jadi gmana rasanya dah mau merit?? Berjuta rasanya~~!
I feel so much loved and blessed!!!!! :D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

He answered!!!

Several days ago - Tuhan menjawab doaku.

Doa yang menjadi pergumulan terhebatku selama lebih dari 2 tahun terakir.
Pergumulan yang merebut sukacita dan damai sejahteraku .. yang membuatku sulit bobo (padahal aku ini keboo abis) --
Pergumulan yang membuatku merasa kalo aku tidak berarti - jauh dari spesial..
Pergumulan yang brings the worst out of me - aku berusaha keras, frustasi ~ tuk membuktikan aku benar.
Pergumulan yang membuatku kecewa dan tidak dicintai (or tepatnya, kurang dicintai...) ~ tidak ada yang membelaku.. tidak dimengerti..tidak dipercaya..
Pergumulan yang sejujurnya - sudah aku lepaskan .... "apa yang terjadi, terjadilah ... aku sudah lelah berdoa dan berjuang tuk hal ini...." 

Tapi Allahku yang mengasihiku lebih dari siapapun TERNYATA ........ selalu mendengar doaku ....
dan Dia menjawab!!!!! SEMUANYA - pada timing yang perfect.

Apa reaksiku ketika doaku terjawab??!!
*untuk erlyn yg normal - seharusnya adalah "YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!! :D :D :D"

But this time,
Aku terdiam ... dan lemas. (bukan lemas sedih, tapi lemas seperti orang yang habis berperang mati2an) ..
Aku yang "beneraaaaann? ini nyata kaaah?" 

Selama 2 tahun terakir, aku selalu berasa kalo aku tertindas - sendiri berjuang... sudah mengeluarkan segenap air mata, sakit hatiku demi peperangan ini..
dan now I realized... kalo He has been there selama ini .. aku ga pernah sendiri..

He is truly my defender..

Bahkan ketika aku ga tau lagi harus berdoa apa... He heard my crying heart.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. - Romans 8:26 

Aku ga berjuang sendiri ... He was the one who fought for me
For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory - Deut 20:4 

He listened every single word - I've ever said to Him .. bahkan yang udah aku totally lupa apa yg pernah aku minta ~

Aku ga pernah menangis parah ketika nulis blog .. :$ :$ but this time, air mataku tidak berhenti mengalir ...
sungguh ini tangis kemenangan ... kemenangan yang sepenuhnya anugrah ~
Karena Dia yang berjuang untukku (ketika aku sepenuhnya tidak berdaya) ... dan Dia menyerahkan medali itu untukku ..
Simply because He loves me and
because He wants to say this message "You can always count on Me, eyn ~ I will fight for you"

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. - Romans 8:37

Dear precious friends.... our Father is faithful ~ He answers our prayers.
He did answer mine!!! bahkan ketika aku udah gave up ..
He alone is enough ..

Let me share this "Blessings" to you ..
it's a very beautiful song ~ :')
dimanapun - apapun yang kau hadapi saat ini, remember a very simple thing - He is there for you - He listens to you - dan terlebih, He will fight for you - like He did for me..
Yes - terkadang manusia bisa mengecewakanmu, tapi Tuhan tidak akan pernah!
Be blessed :')

We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things

'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home

What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise

"But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high. 
I call out to the Lord, 
and he answers me from his holy mountain." -psalm-

Saturday, June 16, 2012

when the "hot" and the cool are in love

Dear girls, 
posting kali ini adalah isi one of my emails to my boyfriend.. setaon yg lalu. 
and sesungguhnya berulang kali aku terpikir tuk post this email here and share it to you, tapi kok ya tertunda melulu~ 

Setiap kali - orang nanya ke aku … "Arief itu orangnya model gmana siiiiih?" 
Langsung mataku bersinar2 "tring tring triiinnng" dan senyum melebar .. en kalimat pertamaku adalah .. "Aduh gue sih bersyukur banget sama Tuhan dapet cowo model dia!" 
Dia itu orangnya … bla and bla and bla and bla… *semua bla adalah adjective yg positive* 
dan semua bla adalah hampir berlawanan dengan my bla *walaupun bukan berarti my adjective negative looh . haha* 

Yup! Kami berdua - "totally" berbeda… yg satu super "HOT" - yg satu super COOL 
*yg mana yg "HOT" - yg mana yg COOL hayoooo?* 


oke, ini isi email-nya = 
setiap kali di buku ada bahas ttg "opposites attract" aku selalu yg "deg" pengen tau ini apa - plus agak2 ngeri ... "duh kira2 isinya oke ga ya, opposites attract" itu.. 
haha since kita cukup extreme... :$ 
tapi kalo dpikir2 banyak juga yg sama-nya kan .. 
well ... akan dbahas lanjut .. di bawah .. 

jadi di "boundaries in dating" judul tuk chapter ini adalah "beware when opposites attract"
aku yg "yaaaaah beware.. lagi!" ow ow gitu .. :$ 

di awal2 di jelasin .. akan bahaya jika .. 
kita jadi dependent on our partner's strength - kalo pas kebetulan his strength is our weakness. 
contoh di buku itu adalah .. 
cewe nya itu ga terlalu pinter bergaul - cowo nya pinter bergaul -- en cewenya bener2 bergantung ama cowonya dalam cari teman -- or involve di kegiatan2.. 
1. cewe nya ga bisa free juga doing things yg actually dia suka, krn jadi ga pede kalo ga ada cowonya . 
2. cowonya juga jadi "sewenang2" krn pikir tanpa dia, cewenya ga bisa 
ini sih mgkn agak ekstrem.. tapi kira2 nangkep lah maksudnya.. 

dan juga kita jadi ga mau grow to learn tuk berubah -- krn pikir he has it .. gitu 
aku jadi kepikir itu tiba2 terlintas adalah .. 
pas waktu kita ngomong2 ttg money management -- aku kan yg lousy bgt, en kamu kan keren bgt.. 
waktu awal2 kan aku mikir .. "hore aman deh entar, since ada kamu yg rapi" -- 
terus pas baca ini .. aku jadi mikir, "oh iya yah, ga bisa gitu ... " :$ 
mgkn since kamu lebih expert, kamu yg pegang tanggungjawab itu .. "yay, saling melengkapi memang!" .. tapi aku juga harus belajar gitu .. 

en tadi pas lagi bible study -- aku juga raised the issue with the girls .. aku nanya "mau cari cowo yg beda or mirip2?" 
ada yg bilang gini .. "since saya panikan,  saya perlu cowo yg tenang ..." 
iyaaah banget kan ..... 
and bener2 deh dari jaman dulu itu aku selalu dibilang gini ... "erlyn harus dapet cowo yg kalem .. biar seimbang.." 
en aku itu memakan mentah2 omongan itu dan dalam pikiran ku adalah ... "aku selamanya ga akan bisa tenang lah .. jadi bener2 butuh cowo yg tenang.." 
tapi aku baru realized hari ini setelah baca buku ini dan setelah denger jawaban mereka.... 
that i need to learn how to be calm myself.... of course, dunia akan lebih indah kalo pacarku adalah orang tenang (so, puji Tuhan buat pacarku skrg!!) 
so -- begini .. kita hidup dalam society yg bilang "kalo kamu udah begitu dari sana nya, selamanya akan begitu ... " 
padahal kan kita harus berjuang tuk lebih baik.. :$ 

nah terus di akhir chapter ini .. 
dibahas ini "opposites and maturity" 
aku salin aja dari buku .. haha 

In our experience, the degree of attraction that opposites have for each other is often diagnostic of the couple’s maturity. In mature couples, opposite traits are simply not a major issue. The two people are not drawn to opposite traits due to their own deficits. They are drawn to values that they share, such as love, responsibility, forgiveness, honesty, and spirituality. Attraction based on values is much more mature than attraction based on what you don’t have inside.

On the other hand, immature couples seem to struggle more with finding someone who possesses the nurturance, structure, competence, or personality that they don’t.  They go through painful cycles of idealizing the other person, getting closer, developing a dependency on the other person, making a parent out of them, then having horrible breakups, only to look for someone again with those opposite traits. Ultimately, many are looking for a parent to take care of part of them that they aren’t taking care of in themselves.

Differences can help make a good relationship fulfilling, rich and satisfying. Each partner appreciates the talent and unique point of view of the other, and falls more deeply in love with that person. The couple becomes part of the wonder of love, that two people who are so opposite can connect so well, and become truly one. -->> yaaay kan?!?! 

Opposites can truly attract : not a basis for a relationship, but as a wonderful complement and addition to an already loving connection. --> ini juga yaaay! 

So, make oppositeness a nonissue. Look more for character, love and values than “who has what”. Don’t fall for an introvert simply because you are an extrovert. Fall for someone who calls you into love, growth and God. And then appreciate her unique differences. 

so, berlanjut dari paragraf pertama .. 
penting sama-nya itu kan value-nya .. 
en bbrp hal yg kita beda -- yg cukup sampe ke extreme beda-nya .. biarlah jadi fulfilling - rich and satisfying relationship! en aku suka banget itu kata2 the wonder of love! haha.. krn bener2 it's wow...bisa connect :$ 


gitu deeehh isi emailnya!!! :D 

kenapa aku pengen banget share this email. *actually, not sure juga kenapa…* 
tapi aku selalu berasa ada utang kalo belum share ini .. ~ 

kalo kalian happen mirip seperti aku dan calon suamiku .. *yg ya ampun beda-nya extreme!* -- dalam hal tertentu loooh ~~!! 
inget selalu tuk pake kesempatan itu - tuk saling membangun … bukan jadi alasan tuk berantem ~ en ga mau maju (karena toh pasanganku dah punya itu), tapi tuk saling belajar yg baik dari diri pasangan.. 
skrg aku ngerti kenapa aku harus tunda share email ini - (hampir setaooon!) - karena walaupun umur relationship kami baru seumur jagung - menuju 2 taon.. 
aku bisa ngerasaiiin kalo = 
Differences can help make a good relationship fulfilling, rich and satisfying. Each partner appreciates the talent and unique point of view of the other, and falls more deeply in love with that person. The couple becomes part of the wonder of love, that two people who are so opposite can connect so well, and become truly one. 
en i really2 look forward -  *dalam kedipan mata* - status kami akan berubah .. kami semakin mengenal (oucch and yaay!) ---- we will fall more deeply in love with each other and can connect even better!!!!! AMIN! 

ow ow ow .. btw btw… ~ 
mau tau reply Arief tuk my super panjang email apa? 
thank you <3
saya setuju dgn semua yg ditulis :)

so -- kira2 kalian mengerti ketika aku bilang - kami extreme? :D :D 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sacred Marriage

"How is your wedding prep?" -- yup, people ask me all the time! haha~ 
and... reading this book is actually one of my wedding, ah, marriage preps :D :D 

Sacred marriage by Gary Thomas. 
I loooovvveee it so much!!!! really2 recommended! 

The big question = What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? 
Find out here, and really!!!! - this book is worth your precious time :) 

If we view the marriage relationship as an opportunity to excel in love, it doesn’t matter how difficult the person is whom we are called to love; it doesn’t matter even whether love is ever returned. We can still excel at love. We can still say, “Like it or not, I’m going to love you like nobody ever has.” - Gary Thomas - 

“The state of marriage is one that requires more virtue and constancy than any other. It is perpetual exercise of mortification.. from this thyme plant, in spite of the bitter nature of its juice, you may be able to draw the honey of a holy life.” Francis de Sales 

If you want to be free to serve Jesus, there’s no question – stay single. Marriage takes a lot of time. But if you want to become more like Jesus, I can’t imagine any better thing to do than to get married. Being married forces you to face some character issues you’d never have to face otherwise. 

Since there is so much immorality within us – not just lust, but selfishness, anger, control-mongering, and even hatred – we should enter into a close relationship with one other person so we can work on those issues in the light of what our marriage relationship will reveal to us about our behavior and our attitudes. 

The key was that I had to change my view of marriage. If the purpose of marriage was simply to enjoy an infatuation and make me “happy”, then I’d have to get a “new” marriage every two or three years. But if I really wanted to see God transform me from the inside out, I’d need to concentrate on changing myself rather than on changing my spouse. 

For the Christian, marriage is a penultimate rather than an ultimate reality. Because of this, both of us can find even more meaning by pursuing God together and by recognizing that he is the one who alone can fill the spiritual ache in our souls. We can work at making our home life more pleasant and peaceable; we can explore ways to keep sex fresh and fun; we can make superficial changes that will preserve at least the appearance of respect and politeness. But what both of us crave more than anything else is to be intimately close to the God who made us. If that relationship is right, we won’t make such severe demands on our marriage, asking each other, expecting each other, to compensate for spiritual emptiness. 

Some of us ask too much of marriage. We want to get the largest portion of our life’s fulfillment from our relationship with our spouse. That’s asking too much. Yes, without a doubt there should be moments of happiness, meaning, and a general sense of fulfillment. But my wife can’t be God, and I was created with a spirit that craves God. Anything less than God, and I’ll feel an ache. 

Will we approach marriage from a God-centered view or a man-centered view? In a man-centered view, we will maintain our marriage as long as our earthly comforts, desires and expectations are met. In a God-centered view, we preserve our marriage because it brings glory to God and points a sinful world to a reconciling Creator. 

The first purpose in marriage –beyond happiness, sexual expression, the bearing of children, companionship, mutual care and provision or anything else – is to please God. The challenge, of course, is that it is utterly selfless living; rather than asking, “What will make me happy?” we are told that we must ask, “What will make God happy?” 

Strong Christian marriages will still be struck by lightning – sexual temptation, communication problems, frustrations, unrealized expectations – but if the marriages are heavily watered with an unwavering commitment to please God above everything else, the conditions won’t be ripe for a devastating fire to follow the lightning strike. 
If I’m married only for happiness, and my happiness wanes for whatever reason, one little spark will burn the entire forest of my relationship. But if my aim is to proclaim and model God’s ministry of reconciliation, my endurance will be fireproof. 

Marriage requires a radical commitment to love our spouses as they are, while longing for them to become what they are not yet. Every marriage moves either toward enhancing one another’s glory or toward degrading each other. –Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III 

If you treat a man as he is, he will stay as he is. but if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become bigger and better man. –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

We can never love somebody “too much”. Our problem is that typically we love God too little. The answer is not to dim our love for any human in particular; it’s to expand our heart’s response to our Divine Joy. 

Allow your marriage relationship to stretch your love and to enlarge your capacity for love – to teach you to be a Christian. Use marriage as a practice court, where you learn to accept another person and serve him or her. 

She wanted him to listen, to understand, and to sympathize. She wanted him to let her know that despite her problems, her exhaustion, her dishevelment, he loved her – to let her know that it caused him sorrow that she was suffering and that if it were possible, he would change it for her. 

Women are capable of and sometimes commit magnificent acts that manifest incredible power and awaken in us men as profound awe, if not fear and trembling. Yet when they love, they love quietly; they speaks, as it were, in whispers, and we have to listen carefully, attentively, to hear their words of love and to know them. 

Many of the marital problems we face are not problem between individual couples. They are the problems that arise because we are either too lazy or too selfish to get to know our spouse well enough to understand how different from us they really are. 

I had to learn to better understand my wife before I could truly respect her, and I had to respect her before I could fully love her. This is a tremendously spiritually therapeutic process, an emptying of my self so I can grow more in my love for others. 

“Honor isn’t passive, it’s active. We honor our wives by demonstrating our esteem and respect; complimenting them in public; affirming their gifts, abilities, and accomplishments; and declaring our appreciation for all they do. Honor not expressed is not honor.” Betsy and Gary Ricucci 

Contempt is conceived with expectations. Respect is conceived with expressions of gratitude. We can choose which one we will obsess over – expectations, or thanksgivings. That choice will result in a birth – and the child will be named either contempt, or respect. 

“Our souls are wired for what we will never enjoy until Eden is restored in the new heaven and earth. We are built with a distant memory of Eden.” 
This calls me to extend gentleness and tolerance toward my wife. I want her to become all that Jesus calls her to become, and I hope with all my heart that I will be a positive factor in her pursuit of that aim (and vice versa). But she will never fully get there this side of heaven, so I must love and accept her in the reality of our lives in a sin-stained world. 

Husbands, you are married to a fallen women in a broken world. Wives, you are married to a sinful man in a sinful world. It is guaranteed that your spouse will sin against you, disappoint you, and have physical limitations that will frustrate and sadden you. He may come home with the best of intentions and still love his temper. She may have all the desire but none of the energy. 
This is a fallen world. Let me repeat this: you will never find a spouse who is not affected in some way by the reality of the Fall. If you can’t respect this spouse because she is prone to certain weaknesses, you will never be able to respect any spouse. 

She was being hard on herself and easy on me; and that made me want to be hard on myself and easy on her.

“A magnificent marriage begins not with knowing one another but with knowing God. “Betsy and Gary Ricucci

“Prayer is a work to which we  must commit ourselves if we are to make sense of our lives in the light of eternity.” Terry Glaspey 

Without prayer, we live as temporal people with temporal values. Prayer pushes eternity back into our lives, moving God ever more relevant to the way we live our lives. 

Peter tells us that we should improve our marriages so that we can improve our prayers lives. Instead of prayer being the “tool” that will refine my marriage, Peter tells me that marriage is the tool that will refine my prayers. 

Making someone else feel smaller so that we can fell larger is antithetical to the Christian faith, a complete rejection of the Christian virtues of humility, sacrifice, and service. 

Godliness is selflessness, and when a man and woman marry, they are pledging to stop viewing themselves as individuals and start viewing themselves as a unit, as a couple. In marriage, I am no longer free to pursue whatever I want; I am no longer a single man. I am part of a team, and my ambitions, dreams and energies need to take that into account. 

If, for instance, a man views his wife solely as someone to cook for him, provide him with sexual satisfaction, and keep a quite home while he alone serves God, he will also browbeat others to “fall in line” regardless of whether that specific role is suited for them. If a woman essentially abandons her family to ambitiously “serve” God, she will likely display the same lack of compassion and empathy for others as she does for her own family who feel her absence keenly. 

If you want to grow toward God, you must build a stronger prayer life. If you’re married, to attain a stronger prayer life you must learn to respect your spouse and be considerate. 

Sleeping with your spouse can leave your heart, mind, and soul free, for a time, to vigorously pursue God in prayer without distraction. 

Paul is a practical pastor. He recognizes that the sex drive is a biological reality. By engaging in sexual relations within a permanent lifelong relationship, a major temptation and distraction is removed and our souls are placed at rest. This is especially important for contemplative prayer, a type of prayer in which the mind must be unusually free of distractions. 

Many marital disputes result precisely from this: “You want something but don’t get it.” James says we don’t get it because we’re looking in the wrong place (James 4:1-2). Instead of placing demands on your spouse, look to God to have your needs met. That way you can approach your spouse in a spirit of servanthood. 

Marriage can cause us to reevaluate our dependency on other humans for our spiritual nourishment, and direct us to nurture our relationship with God instead. No human being can love us the way we long to be loved; it is just not possible for another human to reach and alleviate the spiritual ache that God has placed in all of us. 
Marriage does us a very great favor in exposing this truth, but it presents a corresponding danger – getting entangled in dissension. For the sake of prayer, it is essential that we live in unity. For the sake of unity, our passions and desires must be God-directed. 

Struggle makes us stronger; it builds us up and deepens our faith. But this result is achieved only when we face the struggle head-on, not when we run from it.

Christian love is an aggressive movement and an active commitment. In reality we choose where to place our affections.

Intimate relationships, as opposed to intimate experiences, are the result of planning. They are built. The sense of union that comes with genuine spiritual closeness will not just happen. If it is present, it is because of definite intent and follow-through on your part. You choose to invest, and do. It's not left to mere chance. "Donald Harvey"
The opposite of biblical love isn't hate, it's apathy. To stop moving forward our spouse is to stop loving him or her. It's holding back from the very purpose of marriage.

First, men tend to be less communicative, perhaps not realizing the message of disinterest this sends. It's one thing to think warm thoughts about your spouse; it's quite another to express them. Many men don't realize the damage they do simply by remaining silent.
Secondly, men tend to view independece as a sign of strength, maturity, and "manhood". Interdependence is more than a long word- for men it is often a bitter pill to swallow, a sign, even of weakness.

Even in the moments of anger, betrayal, exasperation, and hurt, we are called to pursue this person, to embrace them, and to grow toward them, to let our love redefine our feelings of disinterest, frustration, and even hate.

This call to "fall forward" puts the focus on initiating intimacy. We cheapen marriage if we reduce it to nothing more than a negative "I agree to never have sex with anyone else." Marriage points to a gift of self that goes well beyond sexual fidelity. Mary Anne Oliver calls it an "interpenetration of being."
Getting married is agreeing to grow together, into each other, to virtually commingle our souls so that we share a unique and rare bond. When we stop doing that, we have committed fraud against our partner; we made a commitment that we're not willing to live up to.

Communications is thus the blood of marriage that carries vital oxygen into the heart of our romance.

P155-161- #The Male Masquerade# sorry - i felt like writing the whole part, so read it by yourself yaaa.. ;) 

Learning not to run from conflict, learning how to compromise, and learning to accept others.

Unless you truly enjoy hanging around a sycophant, the absence of conflict demonstrates that either the relationship isn't important enough to fight over or that both individuals are too insecure to risk disagreement.

Sometimes that's what marriage is like: our spouse has confessed sins and weaknesses to us, and we've kept every confession in a mental file cabinet, ready to be taken out and used in our defense or in an attack. But true forgiveness is a process, not an event. It is rarely the case that we are able to forgive "one time" and the matter is settled. Far more often, we must relinquish our bitterness a dozen times or more, continually choosing to release the offender from our judgement.

What homemaker hasn't found herself asking, after the fiftieth load of laundry in a week or when facing yet another sink full of dirty dishes, "is there anything significant about what I'm doing here?" Yet in God' eyes, nothing is more significant than servanthood. The path to genuine greatness lies in serving.
Grasping for power or recognition is natural. Servanthood is supernatural. So many women are missing out on the supernatural today because they are caught up in the "search for significance". Ironically, the more they search for it, the less satisfied they feel. Why? Significance is found in giving your life away, not in selfishly trying to find personal happiness.

God is always worthy of being obeyed, and God calls me to serve my spouse - so regardless of how she treats me at any particular moment, I am called to respond as a servant.

Strong personalities are tempted to assume one-sidedly the whole responsibility for their marriage. Rather than ask the partner to perform certain services they want to do everything themselves.... While it looks like sacrificial love, this in fact a passion to dominate the other person.
"Service" includes allowing your spouse to give - if, of course, they are willing to give. In other words, service isn't just washing somebody else's feet; at times it's letting your own feet be washed.

Quarrels over money and time usually reflect a demand to "own" our life rather than to serve the other with our wealth and existence. The typical fight over who ought to pick up the kids usually is about whose time is more valuable, who works the hardest, and who is least appreciated. It is not wrong to alternate chores or divvy up responsibilities, but the hurtful interactions usually reflect drawing battle lines over more petty matters.

How do a husband and wife use money and time to serve instead of dominate or manipulate? By appreciating your spouse, by seeking first to understand him or her, by emptying yourself and not immediately assuming that your task, your time, your perceived need is the most important.

How can I spend my money in a spirit of service? By remembering that I will be most fulfilled as a Christian when I use everything I have - including my money and time - as a way to serve others, with my spouse getting first priority (after God). This commitment absolutely undercuts petty power games. If I humiliate my wife by pointing out how much more important I am to the family's financial well-being, or if she points out how utterly helpless I am in doing certain domestic chores, we don't just cheapen each other; we cheapen ourselves. We destroy the entire notion of Christian fellowship by denying that every part has its place in the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:14-31)

A godly marriage shapes our view of beauty to focus on internal qualities. The Holy Letter argues that when a man chooses a woman for her physical beauty alone, "the union is not for the sake of heaven." Beauty is wonderful, but it is not the only or even the highest value when we seek Christian marriage.

A single woman is likely to face strong temptations to become the type of woman a man would want to marry - and that might very well compete with the type of woman who lives a responsible life before God. But single women know that men are attracted to a certain physical shape and so might be inclined to put more effort into changing physically than changing internally by growing in godliness. Marriage can set women free from this vain pursuit; once they are married, they can focus more intensely on the internal beauty that God finds so attractive.
This is not to suggest that either men or women should shun the care of their physical bodies and become unfit. Keeping in good shape is a gift we can give to our spouse. But so is the grace of acceptance - particularly on the part of husbands - in recognition that age and (in the case of women) childbearing eventually reshape every individual body. Marriage helps to move men from an obsession over bodies "that do not exist" into a reconsideration of priorities and values.

Marriage calls us to redirect our desires to be focused on one woman or one man in particular rather than on society's view of attractive women or men in general. We men are married to women whose bodies we know intimately. And out of these bodies, our own children have been born. God gives us each other's bodies as gifts in which to delight. But in receiving our gift, we must not covet another's.

I knew from proverbs 5:18-20 that I was to take delight in my wife, not in women in general.

Married sexuality helps from us spiritually by shaping the priorities of what we value and hold in high esteem. Many of us don't realize how truly shallow this world and its values really are.

Marriage teaches us to give what we have. God has given us one body. He has commanded our spouse to delight in that one body - and that body alone. If we withhold from our spouse our body, it becomes an absolute denial. We may not think it is a perfect body but it is the only body we have to give.

The family that will enjoy Jesus' presence as a customary part of their union is a family that is joined precisely because husband and wife want to invite Jesus into deeper parts of their marriage. They are not coming together in order to escape loneliness, more favorably pool their financial resources, or merely gain an outlet for sexual desire. Above all these other reasons, they have joined themselves to each other as a way to live out and deepen their faith in God.
Even if you didn't enter marriage for this reason, you can make a decision to maintain your marriage on this basis. The day you do this, you will find that marriage can be a favorable funnel to direct God's presence into your daily life. Marriage invokes the presence of God through prodding us to communicate, reminding us of our transcendent ache, helping us to behold the image of God, and allowing us to participate in creation.

In marriage, it is our duty to communicate. To be sure, every marriage needs time of silence and meditation. But in our relationship with our spouse, communication is a discipline of love.
God loves us with words, rather than physical arms with which to embrace us. We can love our spouses with those same words and grow more like Christ in the process.

There comes a time when silence is healing, but there is also a malicious silence. You know your heart. You know whether you are being silent in order to promote healing or whether you are being self-centered, cowardly, or malicious. When I refuse to speak out of cowardice, selfishness, or weariness, I am taking a step back as a Christian.

Let your relationship with your spouse point you to what you really need most of all: God's love and active presence in your life. Above all, don't blame your spouse for lack of fulfillment; blame yourself for not pursuing a fulfilling relationship with God.

We are reminded of the transcendent ache in our soul that even this one very special person can't relieve entirely on his or her own. As odd as this may sound, I have discovered in my own life that my satisfaction or dissatisfaction with my marriage has far more to do with my relationship to God that it does with my relationship to my wife. When my heart grows cold toward God, my other relationships suffer, so if I senses a burgeoning alienation from, or lack of affection toward, my wife, the first place I look is how I'm doing with the Lord. My wife, is quite literally, my God-thermometer.

Part of this springs from my theological belief that as people created in the image of God, we have a responsibility to create. Whether a business, a house, a family, a book, a life (through education or medicine), or whatever else we choose to build, we shouldn’t waste our lives but spend them productively. 

If we don’t nurture a godly sense of creativity, we will experience an emptiness that we may perversely and wrongly blame on our marriage. The emptiness comes not from our marriage, however, but from the fact that we’re not engaged in our marriage. We’re not using this powerful relationship in order to create something. 

You were made by God to create. If you don’t create in a thoughtful and worshipful manner – whether preparing meals, decorating a home, achieving a vocational dream - responsibly raising children - you will feel less than human because you are in fact acting in a sub-human mode.

But a man and woman dedicated to seeing each other grow in their maturity in Christ; who raise children who know and honor the Lord; who engage in business that supports God's work on earth and is carried out in the context of relationships and good stewardship of both time and money - these Christians are participating in the creativity that gives a spiritually healthy soul immeasurable joy, purpose and fulfillment.

"Let us be what we are, and let us be it well".
In other words, if we are married, we are married, and we must not try to live as if we were otherwise. Francis noted that by living with this attitude, we "do honor to the Master whose work we are."

Christian men in particular might be tempted above all others to let ambition erode their marital devotion, even to the point of using religious language to justify shortchanging their spouse, but de Sales warned that even spiritual devotion can be taken "out of bounds". When we get married, we make a certain promise to our spouse that we will devote a considerable amount of energy, initiative, and time into building and nurturing the relationship. It is spiritual fraud to enter marriage and the to live like a single man or woman.

The means of gaining perfection are various according to the variety of vocations: religious, widows, and married persons must all seek after this perfection, but not all by the same means." He encouraged the woman by suggesting several spiritual exercises, but then he warned, "in all this take particular care that your husband, your servants, and your parents do not suffer by your too long stayings in church, your too great retirement (for prayer), or by your failing to care for your household.... You must not only by devout, and love devotion, but you must make it lovable to everyone"

When marriage becomes our primary pursuit our delight in the relationship will be crippled by fear, possessiveness, and self-centeredness. We were made to admire, respect and love someone who has a purpose bigger than ourselves, a purpose centered on God’s untiring work of calling his people home to his heart of love. 
We allow marriage to point beyond itself when we accept two central missions: becoming the people God created us to be, and doing the work God has given us to do. If we embrace – not just accept, but actively embrace – these two missions, we will have a full life, a rich life, a meaningful life, and a successful life. 

If we view the marriage relationship as an opportunity to excel in love, it doesn’t matter how difficult the person is whom we are called to love; it doesn’t matter even whether love is ever returned. We can still excel at love. We can still say, “Like it or not, I’m going to love you like nobody ever has.” 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Look UP

Few days ago, I uploaded this pic on my facebook timeline.

(Di-post disini biar sekalian update2 diri deh.. haha kan dah lama banget ga tulis...... >.< 
bahkan sampe kaget kalo blogspot dah punya new layout! ga ngerti apa ini better or ga~ well eniweiii... ) 

One of my friends commented "cakeeepp" 

Reaksi pertamaku apa donk?
Yah seneng lah... dibilang cakep! 
Lalu beberapa detik kemudian, aku jadi sadar... Ini yang dibilang cakep apanya? #kayanya si bukan orangnya# Since temenku yg comment adalah - tukang foto yg keren!!!!! 

Kalo yang cakep - 
1. Fotonya.
- itu hasil edit-an temanku. 
- itu hasil jepret-an orang yang pegang kamera SLR keren di Osaka. 
(biasa kalo lagi jalan gitu suka rasis kan?  minta tolong foto sama yg kira2 jagooo... #bawa2 SLR#...) 
- emang kamera-ya bagus. itu pun kamera temen. 
- dan kalo emang kamera-nya bagus... emang maker-nya bagus! 
tapi - of course, butuh skill ~ tuk foto bagus dan edit foto bagus! KERENN!!! 

2. Orangnya. 
ini murni hasil karya Tuhan.

Jadilah, sampai sekarang aku belum jawab komen temanku. 
Well, sebenernya say "thank you" aja cukup. 
Tapi aku ini adalah si sanguin yg juga pemikir dan perfeksionis. 
Walaupun, secara natural aku sangat suka berbicara - tapi aku telah belajar to mean what I say - and of course understand why I say it. 

And the very simple comment from my friend - membuatku berpikir .... kalo ..... 
tidak ada satupun - dari foto itu - indah - karena kehebatanku. 

Semua murni adalah hasil karya Tuhan - 
menciptakan creatures yg beautiful (my fiancee <3) 
memberikan skills kepada camera maker - tukang foto dan tukang edit. 
#the only thing i did cuma upload di fb :$# 

It reminded me of this beautiful verse - 
"Every good and perfect gift comes from the Above......" James 1:17 

Beberapa saat terakir - aku sangat hidup dalam ayat ini.. (terutama dalam masa2 persiapan wedding... ). 
This verse super powerful, kenapa???!! 
Mengingatkanku berulang kali ---- kalo TUHAN YANG MEMBERIKAN all the gifts!!! 
entah itu keindahan - keahlian - termasuk cinta dari orang2 sekitar. ah sungguh deh, they come from the Above :D :D 
Bukan karena aku pantas - tapi murni, karena pemberian dari Dia. 
Tidak ada tempat bagiku tuk dapat kredit buat itu. Semua dariNya dan untukNya. 

Ayat ini-pun, menolongku untuk TIDAK IRI. #butuh berjuang tentu# 
Here's why... 
sama seperti semua yg kumiliki dari Dia, begitu juga semua yg orang miliki dari Dia. 
Dan aku percaya - Tuhan itu super berhikmat *lah Dia sumbernya* tuk bagi gifts itu jadi perfect buat each of us. 

One day, temanku pernah bilang "Lyn, ga enak sama kamu -- karena kamu ga dapet ini, sedangkan saya dapat." - biar gampang .. anggaplah temanku dapat 10 juta - aku dapat 5 juta. 'yang kalo dilihat dari kacamata biasa, seharusnya, kita mendapat yg sama' 
Dan, aku bilang.... "My gift - your gift - comes from Him - and it's just perfect"
Tuhan tahu kebutuhanku - dan kebutuhannya - en dikasi tepat sesuai porsi~!!
Terlebih, buatku - mengingat bahwa semua pemberian dari Tuhan - membuatku semakin menyadari ....... ada yg luar biasa kenal dan sayang sama Eyn!!!! Tuhan di atas sana!!!!!!!

Tidak ada tempat tuk kesombongan dan iri hati. Karena semua dariNya. Let's look from where it comes - UP there! 

So, now - walau reply ku akan tetap "thank you" - tapi aku mengerti skrg - why I say it :) 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Let's Laugh

I had a pretty long conversation (around 30 mins) over the phone with a sister. -- she said so many things that really2 bothered me (oh wait, they are still bothering me!!) tentang marriage life!!
Roh2 kekuatiran langsung mengerayangi - mendadak, selera makanku hilang - dan I still haven't had my dinner (it's 9pm already).
"Bagaimana ini kalo setelah merit, begini? Harus gmana ini ....?" dan dadaku sesak karena kuatir!!

Aku bersyukur kalo my darling lagi maen basket dan aku sangat2 ga mau ganggu -- walaupun hatiku sedang bergejolak hebat!! dan ketakutan luar biasa, dan ingin rasanya -- langsung ngomongin semua ketakutanku...
I knew, very2 knew --- that I had to wait - for the right time to talk to him ---!
So the only thing I said to him was "say ..pusing ._."
Buat cowo, "pusing" means sakit kepala.
Tapi u girls know well, pusing-nya cewe bisa jadi pusing model lain..
-- so my loving boyfriend jawab ...."istirahat gih say, semoga cepat sembuh <3"

And, I started to pray..
"Tuhan, eyn tau - kalo eyn ga bole kuatir tentang apapun - dan eyn mau doakan tentang apapun..." .....
dan aku tau, aku mau dengar apa firmanNya bilang ttg hal ini .. I grabbed my bible -
Dan tokoh apa yang Tuhan perkenalkan kembali padaku ...


We know her story~!
Hebatnya Sara - yang dengan iman ikut suami dan tinggalkan segalanya di tempat yg nyaman - ke tempat yg ga jelas!
Perseteruan Sara dan Hagar~!!

Tapi, kali ini ada 2 bagian yg sangat mengena buat aku --
yaitu -
ketika Sarah TERTAWA, karena dia anggap it's a joke - setelah mendengar bahwa tahun depan dia akan melahirkan seorang anak. (Kejadian 18:1-15)
ketika Sarah sekali lagi TERTAWA, setelah melahirkan Isaac -"Tuhan telah membuat aku TERTAWA, setiap orang yang mendengarnya akan tertawa karena aku."
(Kejadian 21:6)

Reaksi Sarah sama - TERTAWA - tapi untuk hal yang sangat berbeda.
Pertama, dia ragu (baca=tidak percaya), kalo Tuhan AKAN memenuhi janjiNya.
Kedua, dia melihat, bahwa Tuhan memang sungguh TELAH memenuhi janjiNya.

Dan aku berpikir, dimanakah posisiku saat ini? Untuk alasan apakah aku sedang tertawa.
Ternyata, aku tertawa untuk kedua alasan itu.

Tuhan memenuhi janjiNya. Dia memberikan pasangan hidup yang terbaik untukku. Hal yang sangat gelap untukku di masa lalu - Tuhan berikan - yang terbaik. pada saat yang terbaik -

Tapi, di satu sisi lain, sesungguhnya -- aku sedang dalam masa penantian - menanti janjiNya yang lain, kalo Dia akan melengkapiku menjadi seorang istri (en mommy!!), memenuhi kebutuhanku dan memberkati rumah tanggaku kelak sehingga keluargaku akan memberkati orang lain. (keparnoan orang mau merit)
Saat ini, ga kebayang! dan aku takut! Terlebih setelah the 30 mins conversation I mentioned -- semakin takut.

Tetapi kisah Sarah - yang Tuhan sekali lagi "dongeng-kan" untukku really2 encouraged me ~
though aku harus mulai segala sesuatu yg baru - aku harus pindah dari comfort zone ku .. cari kerja baru lagi ~ Tuhan pimpin!! Tuhan pimpin!!!
Walaupun sepertinya aku bergantung pada suamiku sepenuhnya (financially and many other things) -- tapi Tuhan ingatkan bahwa TUHANLAH TEMPAT AKU BERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA.
Tuhan dah pimpin saat aku single dan memenuhiku dengan berkatNya yg melimpah. Terlebih Tuhan akan pimpin dan penuhiku dengan lebih hebat -- karena tanggungjawabku pun lebih hebat.

Read this:
How hard it was for Sarah (and is for us as well) to remember God's promises and to wait for him to fulfill them. God's promises are revealed and fulfilled in his own timing, which is often on a calendar far different from our own.
Waiting patiently for God to work may be one of the most difficult experiences of our Christian walk. We live in an age of the immediate. We think waiting, and doing so quitely, is somehow less worthy, perhaps even A BIT LAZY. We're great "do-it-yourselfers", but we often get in God's way when we take things into our own hands.

Tuhan sangat2 tau hatiku ..... Dia tutup moment indahku denganNya dengan ayat2 yg menjadi kekuatanku saat menanti pangeranku:

Psalm 27:14
WAIT for the Lord, be strong and take heart, and WAIT for the Lord.
Psalm 130:5
I WAIT for the Lord, my soul WAITS, and in his word I put my hope.
Isaiah 30:18
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who WAIT for Him.
Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I WAIT for God my savior; my God will hear me.

I believe He reminded me these verses for reasons --
kalo once upon a time -- I DID WAIT (sometimes impatiently, sometimes sambil menangis) tapi I DID WAIT for Him ... dan He fulfilled His promise ~ a precious Godly man.
-- and now, He wants me to do the same thing, WAIT FOR HIM - for other promises - yg belum Dia tunjukkan sekarang -- tapi for sure, He will fulfill them in His own timing.

So, dear girls - tertawa untuk alasan apakah kita saat ini?
Meragukan janjiNya?
atau ...
Melihat janjiNya?
... aku mengajak kalian tertawa tuk hal ketiga -- tertawa MENANTI tuk melihat janjiNya ..

One of my fave Proverbs 31 verses: